Anyway... Last weekend my parents came to visit and Korey and I got to go out for our Anniversary! Sometimes it's hard to believe that it has been 7 years already. Other times it feels like it has been much longer since we have been dating since high school. Either way it was a good anniversary. Nothing too crazy. We went to a restaurant in a nearby town that has outdoor seating on the water. It was a really nice day and I loved sitting out in the sun (Korey probably would have preferred a little more shade, but he was a trooper and took the heat). After lunch we walked around the town which is basically just one antique shop after another and we had a lot of fun seeing what the stores had to offer. We ended up with one purchase. A boat shelf. We are hoping to turn our guest room into somewhat of a nautical theme since we have a bunch of Korey's navy stuff we need to find a place for and we figured when Konnor gets older and moves into that room he might let us just keep the nautical theme (or maybe he will just be too little still to care)!
After shopping we went to see Man of Steel. It was nice to actually go see a movie in the theater again. Before we had Konnor, we used to go to movies ALL the time. It's been one thing I miss being able to go do, but hanging out with Konnor is ten times better! On the other hand we've probably saved a ton of money just waiting to rent the movies at a Redbox. After the movie we came back home to hang out with my parents and Konnor for a little bit, and then Korey and I actually ventured out again later to see another movie (I know.. two movies in one day...we're crazy). We went to see Star Trek Into Darkness as our second movie. We liked both movies, but as far as movies go we are usually easy to please! I know it wasn't anything super exciting or romantic, but it was a perfect day for us!
The rest of the weekend went well visiting with my parents. Hopefully they had a fun time too!
This past week has been pretty rainy here. The mornings and early afternoon have been nice but its rained almost every evening. That's only sucked because I usually try and run at night and I didn't really get a chance to this week. I don't usually mind running in the rain, but since I'm usually running on roads with cars that already feel like they are going to hit me, I didn't want to add rain into the mix! Hopefully next week will be a little nicer!
As for the sickness... poor Konnor had a fever for a few days this week. He never acted sick he just felt a little warm and so we checked his temperature. It seemed to go away after a couple days and we thought all was well until he woke up this morning with a rash all over his face and neck. He is still acting fine except he seems to have a little less of an appetite and he wakes up more at night. Other than that and the rash he is all smiles and still ready to roll around the floor. Pretty sure its Roseola so hopefully the rash will go away in a couple days or we will be heading to the doctor!
The 4th of July is coming up soon and we were hoping to be heading to Charleston to celebrate, but unfortunately we couldn't make that work right now so we are going to head home to Brookville instead. Which is okay with us. We are happy to get to see our family and spend some time with them. We miss Charleston and would have loved to go back and visit already and see all our friends, but it's a lot of driving for not very much time there, and we don't want to spend too much money in gas right now. I'm excited to get to see family and to go out to our camper for a picnic! Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can take Konnor in the pool!
Okay almost done for the night! One of the reasons I wanted to start writing this blog was because of another blog I found through pinterest. The blog is: Little Baby Garvin Some of you have probably seen it before. Her pregnancy pictures in front of her amazing chalk boards are all over pinterest. When I was pregnant I LOVED reading her blog. She did a great job writing about her pregnancy and adding tips, and stuff to buy and so much more and I got hooked. She now has a super cute baby girl and of course I still follow her blog. So if you have some free time go check it out. From her site I also learned about Bloglovin and of course I had to get the app so I could follow her blog and discover even more blogs to read (as if I needed more things to distract me during the day). While on Bloglovin I found another fun blog: Sprinkle of Glitter. I found one of her posts (which is the one I made the link to) where she talked about how she was going to post one picture a day for every day in the month of June. She called it the 30 day snap. I like the idea so I think I might try it for July and do a 31 day snap. It might be a challenge since I can't even remember when I start a post to finish it and post it, but I"ll give it a try. I figure it can't hurt and it might be fun!
So I think that's all for now. Here of course are some Konnor pictures before you go! (Oh and one of Chloe. I couldn't resist. This is how I found her during one of our thunderstorms. She was hiding out in the basement with our pile of sheets that needed washed)
If you want to try out Bloglovin you can just clink on the link above to go to the website or you can get the app for your phone.