Friday, September 13, 2013

Another Random Post

It's been over a week since I posted anything, but there really hasn't been much going on with us.  Konnor and I have been hanging out on the floor most days playing with his trucks, blocks and other toys.  We've gone to the store and to the library a couple times.  Konnor even picked out some books at the library last time we went! :)  We've been going on a lot of walks, and some nights we wait for Korey to get home so he can go with us!  Nothing too crazy here! Although, Korey did turn 30 on the 6th!

Yesterday and this morning I was feeling kind of tired (Konnor is teething again so he's been waking up at night) and I've been missing Charleston and feeling blah.  But this afternoon Konnor and I went for a walk and the weather was nice and cool and it got me excited for the holidays and Konnor's first birthday coming up!  So after a day and a half of having a little pity party for myself I decided to stop and start looking forward to all the things we have coming up in the next couple of months!  
Konnor likes to throw himself a pity party sometimes too!

Korey and I are going to Jamaica in one week!  We are super excited!  I'm looking forward to a full week of uninterrupted sleep!!!  We will miss Konnor like CRAZY though.  I'm sure by the end of the week we will be ready to come back so we can see him!  Konnor gets to have fun with the grandparents while we are gone!  I also signed him up for a program at the library that starts the Monday we are gone, so he gets to go to that with both his grandmas!  I'm sure he will have a blast with them while we are gone!
October is shaping up to be a pretty busy month. At least on the weekends! One weekend I get to go to NYC with my sister Courtney and see a show and spend the day there.  Korey is going on a fishing trip with some of his family another weekend.  Konnor and I are going to go home to Bville for one weekend and a few days in the week to go to a craft festival and to see family and friends.  Then before we know it, it will be Halloween and October will be over!  I'm really looking forward to all the holidays with Konnor this year.  He wasn't born yet for Halloween last year, and he was still pretty young for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We are definitely looking forward to watching him open all his presents at Christmas this year.  I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that before, but the closer it gets the more and more excited I get when I think about it!  I need to find out if there are any fall festivals and holiday festivals going on in the area that we can take Konnor to.  
Well this was definitely a random post, but hopefully with all the stuff we have coming up in the next couple of months I'll have more to write about soon!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September Already?

I can't believe it's already September.  I'm kind of looking forward to the Fall and Winter this year.  It's already getting a little chillier at night and we have had our AC off and our windows open the past few days.  I kind of hope we can keep it that way now!  I have always liked Fall but Winter really has never been my thing.  I'm not a huge fan of snow, and I don't do well with snow sports/activities.  Of course I liked snow when I was younger.  I'm hoping I start to like it a little more now that we have Konnor to take outside and play with in the snow!  But I'm also hoping we don't get THAT much snow here.  Even though I don't like snow I LOVE all the winter holidays.  I'm SUPER excited for Christmas now that I watched Konnor rip a magazines to shreds tonight and throw the pieces all over the room.  He kept himself and us entertained for a good half hour or more!  I can only imagine how excited he will be to tear open Christmas presents!
Konnor had his 9 month check-up last week.  Our schedule got all off when we moved so he was already half way to 10 months by the time he had his appointment.  Thankfully this appointment did not involve any shots! YAY!!!  But sadly, they warned us that the next appointment at a year would include several shots.. BOO!!  Konnor weighed 23 lbs. and was 30 in. long at his appointment.  I can't believe how tall he is getting.  Luckily his weight has slowed down a little :)  He's still in the 90th percentiles for both. 

Month 9 seems to be the month where so many things started happening for Konnor.  He got really good at army crawling and then started to crawl for real.  He is pulling himself up on everything and walking all along the furniture.  He even goes from the couch to the end table to the chair now.  He loves throwing his blocks or cars ahead of him while he's crawling and then he goes chasing after them.  He also LOVES music.  Anytime he hears music he stops and listens or bounces along to the beat.  If we watch a show with a theme song at the beginning he will stop whatever he is doing and listen to it.  His favorite book is still Little Blue Truck.  He likes to turn the pages while we read it, and he still has a big grin when we say Beep Beep Beep at the end.  He claps every time we come in the room to get him when he wakes up from a nap.  I love that he is so happy to see us!  He also claps or waves his arms and gets all excited when we say "YAY"!  His latest thing is back to "blowing raspberries" at us.  Before when he used to do it we thought it was sooo cute.  Now it involves a lot more spit and so it makes it a little less cute!
I'm sure this month he will start doing even more!  I can't wait!