Saturday, January 25, 2014

All over the place

All over the place is how my thoughts are today (and pretty much every night when I'm trying to fall asleep).  So when that happens I figure it's usually time for a post about a bunch of random things!

First I wanted to say Thank You to anyone who has bought anything from my Chloe + Isabel store.  I've been having fun creating my website and showing off the great jewelry they have.  I decided to sell Chloe + Isabel jewelry because I really liked their pieces and I wanted to find something to do for myself to earn a little extra cash.  It's definitely been fun and I hope anyone who has purchased anything has really liked what they bought!  If you haven't gone to look at their jewelry yet you can go to: 
Remember Valentine's Day is coming soon ;)

Konnor and I have been busy working together to make some cards.  We have a lot of Thank You cards to send out, and I also want to try and be better at sending Birthday cards this year.  Since it has been so cold out, it isn't always easy finding things to do with Konnor to keep him entertained.  He likes to finger paint though so we have been doing a lot of that, and making cards out of his hand prints!  He's gotten a little better about not always trying to eat the paint too! :)

I've also been trying to work on Konnor's first year scrapbook.  It's coming along, but some days I feel like he will be 3 before I even get the first year book done.  He's been awake so much at night the past several months while he's been getting his molars, and so most days I feel like a zombie and I don't get as much done around the house as I would like to.  I definitely want to have his book done by the end of February though so that I can get started on his book for his second year and not get too far behind on it!  Hopefully I can stick with this goal or even get it done a little sooner!

#100happydays   Someone posted a link on Facebook about this project and it caught my eye.  I went to their website: and read what it was about.  I love the idea and decided to give it a try.  The plan is to post one picture each day for 100 days showing something that made you happy that day.  The goal is to take the time to appreciate your life and all the things that make you happy!  This came at a good time for me.  I'm not necessarily unhappy right now, but with being stuck inside with Konnor most days due to the freezing weather, the fact that I don't really like snow and cold weather, and that I don't really love where we are living right now, I'd say it's definitely a good time to start looking at the things I am happy about!  There is no deadline of when you have to start this project so if you think it's something you might like to try then go on over to the website and sign up!  You can choose how you want to post your pictures.  I will be posting mine on instagram so if you want to follow my 100 days then you can search for me on instagram! (My username is K474)

Talking about Instagram brings me to my next random thought: Prinstagram.  I had been searching for a place that will print my Instagram pictures and then one day a relative of mine posted a picture of her purchases from Prinstagram and I loved them!  I went to their website and I recently ordered some pictures and they turned out wonderful!  It's not always easy to print your Instagram pictures since they aren't the normal 4x6 size, so I love that you can just go to Prinstagram and order your pictures.  The photos were all good quality and we even bought some to use as our Christmas "cards" this year.  They also have great customer service.  I sent an email to the company letting them know how much we loved the pictures, and I got a nice thank you reply back and a coupon code for $10 off my next order.  I will definitely be ordering more products from them in the future!  The company is social print studio and they also will print any picture you have on your computer or from your Facebook.  So if you have any Instagram or any other pictures you want printed out, then you should definitely check them out. The Prinstagram website is:  or you can go to and find any of their printing websites from there.  

Good Night Our World Books.  I am in love with these books.  We received Good Night Maine from one of our good friends as a gift for Konnor at one of our baby showers.  We also got Good Night Charleston from another good friend of ours.  Since then we have gotten a bunch of the Good Night Our World books and they are all great.  We have Good Night Maine, Charleston, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Ocean, Farm, Baby Jesus, and North Pole.  I'm hoping that we can get the books for all the places we live, and for anywhere we go to visit with Konnor. 

This is probably enough Random stuff for now!  I hope everyone is staying warm!   Soon I will have update everyone on how my resolutions are going so far! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Since the New Year I keep seeing and reading about people's resolutions for the year.  I always like trying to come up with some resolutions for myself and hoping that I can stick with them!  This year I figured I'd share a few of mine and maybe that will help me stick with them?!
  •  I'd like to try more things that I pin on Pinterest.  I love going on there and seeing what people are pinning, and I am always pinning away.  Unfortunately I rarely actually remember to try any of the things I've pinned.  This year I want to at least try one thing a month that I've pinned on Pinterest.  I'd love to do more than one a month, but I'll stick with trying at least one!
  •  I want to read more.  Last year I read a lot less books than I normally do.  I know that I was busy with Konnor, but that's no excuse.  He takes two naps every day so there are plenty of times I can be reading.  I think my biggest problem is watching too many shows on Hulu and Netflix!
  •  Keeping up with my yearly scrapbooks for Konnor.  I started a scrapbook of Konnor's first year and I have a goal to try and complete one each year.  So far I am still working on the first one, and his birthday was already 2 months ago.  I want to get the first one completed and catch up on the second one so that I don't always feel like I'm behind.  It's easier to write stuff down for him if I keep them up to date!
  • Run again!  I really want/need to start running again.  I took way too much time off from running and then I started again right around the time it got cold and dark out earlier.  Unfortunately I haven't found any good places to run with Konnor in the stroller yet, so I was waiting for Korey to get home from work to go for my runs.  Then it got cold and I got discouraged, and I also wasn't looking forward to running in the dark.   I really miss it though, and I am determined to start again and keep with it.  I would love to sign up for some 5ks this summer.  I only did one last year and that makes me sad.
  • Write more blog posts.  I enjoy writing these posts.  Even if nobody ever reads them, I enjoy getting my thoughts out and being able to go back and read through them.  
  • Spend all Summer outside with Konnor! I can't wait until Summer.  Now that he is walking around, I hope to be outside with him all the time.  Whether its just playing in our backyard, going swimming, going for walks, going to the playground or whatever!  
I have so many more resolutions for myself but I'll just share those few.  Hopefully I can stick with most of them, and I'll post some updates throughout the year!  If you made some resolutions of your own, I hope you are able to stick with them and have fun doing them!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas....just a little late

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas this year.   We went home to spend Christmas with our family this year was not at all what we had envisioned!  On Christmas Eve, Konnor was acting a little fussy and he fell asleep while we were only on our second book at bedtime.  He didn't even make it to his bottle.  He then woke up a lot during the night (which isn't really rare for him, especially since he's been working on getting his top molars).  On Christmas morning we went to Korey's parents house to open gifts and Konnor was just not acting like himself at all.  He was cranky, tired, and just wanted me to hold him.  We took his temperature and it was 102 so we decided to take him to the ER and see what was up.  Definitely not at all what we were planning to do on Christmas morning.  We were at the ER for a couple hours.  Poor Konnor had his nose swabbed, a chest x-ray, and a shot.  They decided that he had an ear infection and slight pneumonia.  They put him on an antibiotic and sent us home!  After his shot of medicine, he was acting a little more himself, but he napped quite a bit the rest of the day.  Over the next few days he seemed to be feeling much better, but the antibiotic gave him a terrible diaper rash :( .  The poor guy couldn't catch a break.  We are now done with the antibiotic and he had a follow up visit with his pediatrician who said that his ear infection was gone, and he was healthy!  He still has a slight diaper rash but after lots of research from Grandma Witt and Grandma Kelso (who made sure he had oatmeal baths, rooibus tea, and some great diaper cream) it's looking much better.
We all got a lot of great stuff for Christmas and we are super thankful!  Konnor got TONS of toys and he LOVES them all!  He will have plenty of toys to play with from now until next Christmas :)  He also got lots of clothes so we won't have to worry about buying any for a long time!  I got a bluetooth speaker for my car from Korey and I love using it!  I no longer have to worry about getting pulled over for being on my phone while driving!  Korey's favorite gifts are probably the tools he got, and his new Steelers sweatshirt.  We also loved giving all our family their gifts and watching them open them!  I love picking out gifts for people!
We are happy that we were able to be home for such a long time.  Usually our visits are just a over a long weekend.  It was nice to have some time to relax and to see friends and family.  We were glad we got to visit with some friends we don't always get to see when we are home!  Hopefully over the summer we can go home for a longer period of time again!
It seems like Christmas came and went so fast.  I was not very organized this year either.  We of course were still buying some gifts last minute, our cards didn't go out until after Christmas, and we still have to take our tree and decorations down.  Maybe next year I will be prepared.  Who am I kidding?... I say that every year and I'm always buying stuff last minute and trying to get cards out on time :)  Maybe that's half the fun?
I guess all I really want for Christmas next year is for Konnor to be healthy!