Monday, August 25, 2014

21 months

More like 21 1/2 at this point :). I'm behind as usual. The past month hasn't been too eventful for us. A lot of training for triathlons and half marathons and Korey actually competed in his first triathlon of the two he is doing.  He did great and I have no idea how people can swim, bike and still manage to run at the end. I honestly don't know if I could do it!!

Konnor's language is still exploding and we love it. He will pretty much repeat anything we say (which means we have to be very careful). His vocabulary amazes me. I could listen to him talk all day long (and I usually get to haha). 
The other day we heard the music from the ice cream truck while we were in the living room and his eyes got real big and he yelled "ice cream truck" and ran to the front windows to look out and said "there it is". He then proceeded to get upset as the ice cream truck drive out if sight because he couldn't see it anymore haha. The toddlers days are definitely upon us. He's starting to test his boundaries and find out what he can get away with and what he can't!

He still loves books which makes me happy. He will disappear upstairs and come back down carrying a book saying "story time". He also has favorite books and will ask for us to read them. We got the book Move Over Rover from the library and I love hearing him say "move over rover" all jumbled up :). It's a cute book that we may have to add to our collection. 

He still likes Mickey Mouse and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is pretty much the only thing he watches now when we have the tv on. I really really hope he enjoys our trip to Disney in November!

Friday, August 8, 2014

My favorite season is...

This used to be an easy question to answer. Anytime anyone asked me, I would quickly say "Summer"!  I still love Summer but lately I find myself thinking about Fall a lot and getting very excited every time I do. 
When we were younger, Summer was a break from school and it meant vacations, staying out late to play flashlight tag, catching fireflies, swimming and all that fun stuff. Even after I grew up I still loved Summer. When I worked in schools I had the summers off and when I worked at daycares summers usually meant less kids because some parents were teachers or people were always out on vacations. When Korey was in the Navy summers were also great because we always lived near a beach.  Maybe my love for Summer dwindled a little this year because we are now at least two hours from the beach, Konnor can't really be outside too long when it's really hot out, we still haven't met many people around where we live, and we didn't go on any vacations during the Summer.  

Whatever the reason is, it's at least nice to know that I am really looking forward to the Fall for once. I used to dread the Fall. I used to get that sinking feeling when I saw all the Back to School stuff in the stores. I didn't necessarily dislike school but I never loved getting up early and I never wanted summer and all the fun to end!  This year though I'm excited to decorate for Fall, have pumpkin spice lattes, wear sweaters, take Konnor trick or treating, go on our vacations, watch football, go apple picking and all the other great things that happen in the Fall!

Hopefully I will love Summer again some day as much as I used to. Maybe when Konnor gets a little older and wants to catch fireflies and can stay outside a little longer in the heat. Or maybe when we move back closer to the beach some day!  But for now I will embrace my love for Fall and I will continue to dread Winter!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Goodbye pack 'n play

Last week Konnor and I went to visit family and friends. We got to stay at both grandparents and see some friends!  Korey joined us on the weekend.  In the past when we travel we have always used the pack 'n play for Konnor to sleep in.  The last time we used it he woke up frequently and ended up sleeping with us, so I knew the time was coming where we would no longer be able to use it as our travel bed. I brought it with me hoping miraculously it would work and he would sleep great in it again but it did not work and he slept terrible!!!  The first night he woke up about 15 minutes after I put him in it. I let him sleep with me after that and he slept great for a couple hours while I slept crappy as he tossed and turned and used me as a pillow and also kicked me several times.  After being kicked one too many times I attempted putting him in the pack 'n play again but he immediately woke up. Thankfully though he pretty much fell asleep again with me and didn't move much til morning. 
I wasn't sure what to use as a bed for him for the rest of the week. There wasn't an extra bed for him, he moves around too much to share the bed with anyone, and the idea of an air mattress scared me a little because I didn't know what he would do with the freedom of not being contained in something when he woke up.  Without many options to choose from, I went with the air mattress. 
The first night went pretty well. He only woke up once and I heard him and got him back to sleep and he slept until the morning when I heard him again and got him before he wandered off. The second night he slept through the night which was wonderful. What wasn't wonderful though was me waking up to him crying at the bottom of the first set of stairs (he went feet first on his belly down only 4 stairs so he was okay but he scared himself).  I have no idea how I did not hear him wake up and leave the room but somehow he managed to sneak out. The next night I of course blocked the door, but I also woke up any time he moved at all!!

When we moved to the other grandparents house he had problems staying on the air mattress for some reason. Same air mattress as before but all of a sudden he kept rolling off it. He never woke up when this happened but one night I woke up 3 different times to find him sleeping on the floor. 
I don't know if the air mattress is the perfect solution but for now it's what we are going with. We have a lot of traveling coming up in the next few months so hopefully we get a little better at sleeping on the air mattress or we will just be exhausted during our vacations :)