We went to a five hour baby class on Saturday at the hospital. It was a pretty good class and I feel like most of my random questions were answered. It was just an overall class that included a lot of stuff (even the dreaded baby being born videos :) ) but Korey and I both felt like it helped us feel more prepared about what to expect. Most of the time the stuff I worry about is so random and has nothing to do with actually giving birth. I once went into a panic about what kind of car seat we needed to buy and spent about 3 hours one night researching it! Then I stressed out about a pediatrician and whether we needed to go to the naval health clinic or if we could choose our own or how it all worked. We got that all figured out now also! :) Before the class my most recent concerns were where we were supposed to go when we got to the hospital, and thankfully they answered that and other random questions like where to park and what to bring. They of course covered more important things, but like I said, the stuff I worry about is the random things :) As far as classes go we might sign up for an infant care class and we signed up to take a tour of the maternity ward but other than that I don't know that we'll take any more classes.
As far as exercise goes it definitely is more difficult some days, but I still try and jog/walk, walk the bridge, and swim as often as I can! I managed to do my little 2min. jog/ 2min. walk the other day when it was a little cooler out and I lasted for about 30 minutes so that was good! I walked the bridge on Sunday and today and Korey and I plan to go for a swim tomorrow so I'm looking forward to that! Swimming is the only exercise where I don't feel like I'm super slow. I'm happy that I can still at least run a little, but it is a little sad sometimes knowing I'm running 2 minutes or more slower than I was before I was pregnant!
Enough rambling for now! I'll add some new weekly pictures at the end, and hopefully I'll have something more exciting to write about soon :)
29 weeks |
31 weeks |
32 weeks | | |
We got maternity pictures taken around 30 weeks so whenever we get them I'll put some on the blog!
Konnor's car seat! |
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