Along with our visit to Pennsylvania we also went a little further north up to Maine and New Hampshire to see all our friends there! We miss them so much and were so glad we got the chance to go see all of them! Also while we were there Korey completed his first triathlon! It was a wonderful trip! We loved loved LOVED visiting with our friends. We had plenty of places we could stay. Thank you Chris, and Sami & Max for letting us crash at your places! And thanks to all our other friends who offered up their homes too! In some ways it felt like we had never left. Even though time has passed and most of our friends have moved and bought their own places and they don't always get to hang out as often or go out like we used to, they are all still friends and keep in touch and it was nice to visit and be a part of that group again. Korey definitely has the itch to move back to New England now :)
So in other posts I've talked about how Korey was training for his first sprint triathlon. On Sept. 8th he completed the triathlon and did an AMAZING job :) He finished in 1 hour and 23 min. He placed 5th out of 19 people in his division (Males 25-29). I'm pretty sure he will be doing more triathlons in the future. I might even have to do one after Konnor is born! For now I think I have Korey convinced to do a half marathon in Charleston in January! It will also be a first for him. The most he's ever run for a race was 6.2 miles. For Korey's triathlon I wore a special shirt that I found online!
While we were visiting our friends, they threw us a little baby shower! It's nice knowing that we have so many great friends that care about us and that Konnor has so many people all over that will love him!
Thanks for the baby shower and all the thoughtful gifts!
We are now back home in SC and trying to finish up getting ready for Konnor's arrival. I washed all the clothes we have gotten and put them all away tonight in the dresser. We are going to go to the Charleston Repeats sale tomorrow morning. It's a big chidren's consignment event they have seasonally in Charleston. We figured we would go see if there was anything we could find. Then next week on the days Korey has off we are going to head to Babies R Us and try and buy the last few things we need for the nursery. It seems like these last few months are just going by so fast. Konnor will be here before we know it!
I have a feeling I will be doing this a lot in the future :) |
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