Wednesday, August 21, 2013

In the blink of an eye

That's about how fast Konnor went from just army crawling to crawling around on his hands and knees like a big boy.  He's been army crawling for awhile and occasionally would get up on his hands and knees and go forward a little bit but he would pretty quickly give up and go back to the army crawl.  That all changed last night.  He likes to throw his ball or soft blocks and crawl after them, and last night he just decided he'd give up the army crawl and crawl after them on his hands and knees.  Now he just crawls all over.  Also last night, as if crawling wasn't enough, he decided to pull himself up on everything he could.  Before last night he had really only ever pulled himself up to his knees, but not to a standing position. So I guess last night he just decided to debut all his new skills at once and show off a little!  We were very impressed of course and let him know how much we loved him and all his new talents!
Today we had a busy day!  Konnor and I took Bella to get groomed at Petsmart in a town about 30 minutes away.  After we dropped Bella off, we bought some dog food and when we got out to the car I realized my cell phone was missing.  I looked all over the car, in my purse, in the diaper bag, and I even went back to check the cart we had used to make sure I didn't leave it in there.  No luck.  After searching the car a second time and apologizing to Konnor that unfortunately this will probably occur several more times throughout his life, we went back in the store to see if anyone had found a cell phone.  I was convinced I would have heard it drop in the store if I lost it in there.  But of course I was wrong and someone had found it and thankfully given it to an employee.  So after our almost disastrous start to the day, we got on with the rest of our errands.  We went to Target to get some more curtains for our library/office.  Originally we only bought one curtain for each window to see how it would look.  We both decided it would look better with two curtains per window so we went back today to buy two more!  I like them!
Next we went to Babies R Us to get some diapers!  They had a great sale on the big boxes of diapers and we couldn't pass that up!  They were already $9 off, and if you bought two boxes you got a $10 gift card, plus I had a $5 off coupon so I was pretty happy!  After our diaper shopping, we took a mini break in the car to have a bottle and some yogurt! Then we stopped quickly in Michaels to buy a scrapbook.  I'm hoping to make a scrapbook for Konnor for each year.  Obviously I'm already 9 months behind and probably should've started awhile ago, but it's never too late right?!  Once again I was happy with my Michaels purchase because you can look up Michaels coupons on your phone and they almost always have a 40% off one item coupon!  Konnor must not have been too impressed with Michaels, he almost immediately fell asleep.  Since Konnor was asleep, I headed over to Barnes and Noble to look at books.  I bought Konnor the book Little Blue Truck Leads The Way.  Our friend Sarah, bought Konnor the book Little Blue Truck, and we love it.  We read it almost every night.  Konnor loves to turn the pages and smiles at the end when we say "Beep Beep Beep".  It's also one of the few books Korey and I enjoy reading and aren't getting sick of yet!  We are going to save the new book until his birthday though! After book shopping, I could not leave without getting a drink from Starbucks and then we picked Bella up and headed home!
Usually our weeks are pretty laid back and we just go for walks around the town and crawl all over the house, so today was a pretty eventful day for us! :)  We're hoping to sign Konnor up for a program they have at the library for children his age, and to get him in to some "mommy and me" swim classes after the holidays.  That will make our weeks a little more exciting and keep Konnor entertained once he gets more mobile and the weather gets colder.
I hope everyone else is having a great week!  I can't believe the week is already half over.  Not sure what we will do this weekend, but Konnor's Great Grandma and Grandpa Witt are coming to visit so we should have a fun time!
Konnor and his best buddy Chloe taking a nap together

Bella all nice and groomed!
Konnor standing up and playing with his blocks

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